1 Workin’ For Love in All the Wrong Places
2 New World Problems
3 A Greenbaum Family Reunion
4 Seltzer Your Soul
5 The Lonely Herschel Club
6 Klezmer Fight Club
7 Who Gives a Boop Bop
8 When the Greenbaum Breaks
9 Pickle Your Fancy
10 Revenge of the Ben
11 The Pickle Empire Strikes Back
12 The Fall and Rise of Herschel’s Twitter
13 The Herschel You Give
14 Yes You Canada
15 The Greenbaum Switcheroo
16 Schlepping to Schlupsk
17 Joining the Kaddish
18 Denouement to Be
19 The Silver Brining
20 Pickles
Suite or Sour
Suite or Sour