1 Gotham Main Title - Extended
2 Blood in the Streets
3 Falcone's Theme
4 Meet Oswald Copplepott
5 Meet the GCPD
6 Bruce Wayne Meets Jim Gordon
7 Bruce Gives Gordon His Badge Back
8 Penguin Lurks
9 Penguin Strikes
10 Selina the Survivor
11 Falcone Sends a Message
12 Arkham Proposal
13 Jim Saves the Mayor
14 Evil Rises
15 Bruce Wayne Meets Selina Kyle
16 Meet Victor Zsasz
17 Penguin's Alive!
18 Fish & Liza in the Confessional
19 Jim Defeats the Mask
20 Bruce Wayne & Selina Kyle: Catch Me
You Can Kiss Me
You Can Kiss Me
21 Bruce Wayne & Selina Kyle: Broken Children
22 Don Falcone Strangles Liza
23 Gertrude Visits Penguin's New Club
24 Penguin Meets Nugma
25 Jerome's Interrogation
26 The Red Hood Gang
27 Nygma's 1st Kill
28 Gotham End Credits
29 Falcone's Empire in Flux
30 Moral Decisions
31 Gotham Underbelly
32 Gotham Tragedy
33 Gordon's Theme